Black Eclipse Amusement Park

Time for another passion project! This one is very weird! I wanted to do something I don't currently see in the market. An idea so out there that some may even wonder if it would sell. Yes, it would if done a certain way. You see, it's all about the audience you're selling to; what are their needs? Then find out how you can be the solution to their needs and stand out at the same time. You don't want to do what everyone else is doing. People respect authenticity so much that they would buy it. Think about bands like Metallica. Most people aren't into metal, yet Metallica is very well known far beyond the metal community. People who don't listen to metal know them. Because they're that good! And they paved the way for other metal bands. It's sad some people accuse them of being mainstream.

With that being said, Black Eclipse Amusement Park is an indoor, affordable theme park located in Portland, Oregon. It has a gothic theme and is directed towards a more general audience. This is the first project I've done that didn't have a specific audience! I wanted to show it's possible to market to this kind of client while having a specific theme. How many times have we seen companies rebranded into a very basic brand to fit the general audience? (Think PlutoTv and Tubi) Didn't you wish they kept their fun logos and colors? I want to prove it's possible to reach the general audience with a theme that they know of, even if the theme isn't something they like. Think of famous WWE wrestlers. (I'm using them as an example because they target the general folks) Most people aren't into goth and other alternative subcultures yet The Undertaker and Ultimate Warrior are well known. As long as it's something they can put a name on it, it will reach them. When Becky Lynch had a steampunk gimmick, most people didn't make much of it because they were unfamiliar with that. Once she changed into “The Man”, her fan base grew tremendously!

Moodboard Image

Photo Credit: Red Makeup, @Manicmoth on Instagram, Theme Park

Okay that was an entrance! Black Eclipse offers a convenient experience. Most amusement parks aren't in the city so those who have to enjoy it need to drive hours to a rural area. You also don't have to break the bank like you do with Six Flags. Just have fun in your black and white striped leggings! So the mood board for this brand is pretty straightforward. I included two different goth girls and an image of a carnival. The first girl was a general depiction of what most people think of when they think of goth. (Heavy makeup, black clothes, wild hair, etc) She had to be on there. The second girl is in gothic folk attire. Even though that's super unknown, the pendant on her chest gave me an idea. You'll find out soon enough, hehe. I also included the carnival to help with the images for some of the designs. The curved gates are a hint! Also, the colors were not ultra-bright, which made it easier to visualize the product.

I chose the name Black Eclipse because I wanted to choose something that wasn't scary and was familiar. I didn't want to reinforce the stereotype that goth is linked to Satanism. I personally feel that adding horror to the theme will perpetuate that so I choose something that goes with it and is familiar, like an eclipse. Everyone always gets excited when they hear there's one coming. I also added black in front of it because I want the color to be strongly associated with the brand. When people think gothic, they instantly think of the color black. Kinda simple of a name but keep in mind, this is for the general audience who only have a basic understanding of the goth subculture, they have to get it right away. I added the words, Amusement Park, not only so that they know what to expect but because the word, amusement, makes it a little lighthearted. This makes it work better for those with family. "Theme Park" doesn't have the same feel. For the fonts, I chose Heavy Metal Rocking for the main, and Perpetua for the secondary. I knew I wanted a super out there font that's flashy so when I found HMR, I knew it was perfect. It's a very thick sans-serif font (meaning no strokes unlike Times New Roman) Instead of strokes, it's got sharp ends. I wanted a font that was edgy. It also gave a texture when mixed with two colors that I like. The lines on the inside made it look like metal. Metal is durable. I wanted the brand to be viewed as a strong idea that will last. I chose Perpetua as the secondary font because I wanted one that contrasts with the first, in order to continue the theme of two different things coming together. Unlike Heavy Metal Rocking, Perpetua is a thin, serif font. Speaking of colors, I chose white, black, and dim gray. Black definitely tied into the theme so no surprise there. I chose white because it's the opposite and it represents purity. Again, I want to keep the theme gothic but also lighthearted. I also chose a dim gray because it's black and white combined, which ties into the eclipse imagery.

Alright! Time to talk about logos! First up, the main. It's a no-brainer that the words, Black Eclipse, will be in the Heavy Metal Rocking font. They are in black and white to continue the contrasting theme. Black and white are polar opposites. It also somehow gives it a gray look, which is ironic, wow! I feel like it's self-explanatory why the words, Amusement Park, are in Perpetua. I put them in white because it contrasts the top words well. Once again, we want to do contrast. For the imagery, I went minimalist. I find that the style works well with the general audience. I used a black circle and gave it a white stroke to portray an eclipse. I also added a small white circle on the top right-hand side to portray a small speck of light. I've seen many images of total eclipses that have them so I knew it had to be on there. Boom, just like that, we're done.

Photo Credit:Black Mug

Photo Credit:Ticket

Like most secondary logos, this one is very simple. I removed all the visuals and put the text side by side. I already knew a logo this long would work for admission wristbands and I instantly got excited about making the mockup you see below! How do you like it? For the submark logo, the visuals come back and the texts decrease. In the middle of the eclipse is B.E. in its respective font. That's all that's needed. Fans will see the font and eclipse and know what's up. lol.

Speaking of logos, once again I want to you to turn your attention to the wristband mockup because it is the first marketing tool I made for B.E. I love how it came out so much. Most theme park bands are made of paper with printed stuff on it so I went that route. As you can see, I just added the secondary logo on there and we were done!

For the second marketing tool, I decided to create a billboard. I loveee making print materials and every amusement park needs a good billboard! Since a theme park like this one doesn't exist, I asked AI to create an image for me. I went with this one because the colors aren't super bright like most parks, they're on the darker side. Then I added the main logo in the middle. I put the grand opening date and address below that in white because the background is busy. The information was placed in the middle so that everything was even and we could see the image well.

Photo Credit: First, Second, Third

For the third marketing tool, I made a large poster that can be used at bus stops. I know when I'm waiting for the bus, it makes me notice the ads around me more. I used another AI image of the park for this one and placed it in the middle because that's the first thing I want people to see. Like the billboard, I added the main logo in the middle of the image with the words, "Grand Opening. This June 2025" because that is the first thing I wanted readers to take away from the ad. It's urgent. It's 5 months away from when I wrote this, wow! The words are in all caps to portray the sense of "notice this!" I added the main logo because I want them to know what this is, an amusement park called Black Eclipse. On the top and bottom are gray spaces. I chose gray because I wanted to introduce this color to the ad so that the colors of this brand wouldn't be associated with only black and white. We are already seeing plenty of those two colors. Also, gray offers professionalism without being too dark. Keep in mind, we want to add some lightheartedness in there.

On the top is the submark logo in the middle with the address on each side. This is the second piece of information I want readers to digest because now that they know what the brand is, they need to know where to visit. I used the submark logo because I wanted to add some of the brand in those gray spaces. I tried including only information there but felt it made it look too minimalist, instead of the right amount. The main logo is already used on the design and the secondary wouldn't fit so the submark was perfect! I wanted to keep it interesting and only relying on the image and main logo wasn't enough for an amusement park! (Think about the Six Flags ads, there's always a lot going on!) On the bottom, I wrote a small description in 2 sentences of what they can expect followed by a call to action to direct them to the website, where they can buy tickets. I added this for further guidance on what they are looking at. Also, they'll need to know where they can buy tickets and get more information so the website needs to be there.

The Instagram story covers are similar to the submark logo. The text stays within the circle only this time, it is in Perpetua. To add to the eclipse theme, I made it so that they aren't full eclipses but are slowly approaching. It's harder to show that these are eclipses when the images are going to appear in circles already. This way, hypothetically speaking, the people who would see it on their Instagram page will know what they're looking at! Even if it's a passion project, I'm gonna go all the way and think about this! For the names, I chose things I saw the competition, i.e. Six Flags, are posting about—for example, the names of some of their biggest attractions. For BE, I decided the biggest ones would be a ride called Solar Eclipse and their Dark Carnival. So fun! I also added Grand Opening, Hiring, and Important Dates because I figured it made sense since it's an upcoming company. Man, I actually wish it was real. I would visit often!

And just like that, another project is done! If you made it this far, thank you so much! I love it when people read what I spent days writing and overanalyzing. Come on over to the contact section of my site so we can get started working on your next big thing! Also, if you're interested in reading more, check out other works I've done below. And feel free to follow me on Instagram. Until next time, I've been Edyline. Bye!

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