So much is said about the legal and physical. But what about the mental? It takes a lot of mental energy to do this stuff!

Here are some things to do so you’re mentally ready to succeed in business!

Table of Contents


I know I don’t need to say it’s tough and scary starting a business. I was in your shoes once. Like others, I took a chance and winged it. I didn’t have it all together, I just decided I’ll learn as I go! Luckily for you, I can help you because I’ve been through this.

How many times have you tried to get a grasp on what you should expect mentally to make sure you reach every possible outcome? I will tell you things others don’t mention. Not on purpose, it just gets forgotten in the day-to-day.

When I started my business, I knew that I needed to be persevering. So I decided I wouldn't stop. That’s about the only mental prep I did. The lack of it led to burnout and unrealistic goals. For example, I thought I could do it all alone and succeed greatly if I tried crazy hard enough. Now I know better. I also was in the mental space of overpreparing, so I didn’t realize more effective approaches to starting, which I’ll discuss later. To be honest, I just jumped in and assumed I’d figure out the rest later. While I did eventually, if it weren't for all the workshops I took advantage of, I would've been completely lost. So let’s jump into this ‘cause I’m excited!

The Mental Space Needed to Run a Business

First off, let’s talk about the mental space you should have. Something that’s very important I want you to remember is that you don't have to know everything right away! It’s definitely unrealistic. How can you know what ins and outs of running a business if you’ve never done it before? Relieve yourself of that pressure. Now that we have that out of the way. Something you need to be reminded of every day is you have to be ready to set aside time. Time management is key. Not just that - it’s the main key! This means that it may be hard to have a work-life balance sometimes because the amount of work you need to do won’t be the same every day. Some days will be tougher than others. It will take time to find a good pace. You need to pace yourself and plan otherwise you will be overwhelmed quickly. Definitely get a planner!! Don’t expect to get to everything on your list all the time because it’s like that sometimes so do yourself a favor and be okay with picking up where you left off. This is something I still struggle with. #chronicperfectionism

Success Doesn't Come Easy

Another big point we have to talk about is being okay with failures. Know it typically takes a long time to reach success but it doesn’t always mean you need to make changes. It takes a while for people to get used to you and trust you enough to buy from you. Check out this article. It also takes a while for people to remember what you offer. According to marketing experts, it takes at least 7 times. (Source).

Imposter Syndrome

Now here's the final point: Beware of imposter syndrome. When you’re doing something new, you may feel like a fraud trying to gip people’s money, but you’re not. Everyone has felt this way at some point. It’s normal. It’s just fear trying to take you out of the game. The truth is no one has it all figured out. There’s always something new to learn, even for the veterans. Give yourself some grace.

How to Stay Perseverant in Your Business

Now that you’re in the right mental space, I’d like to talk more about being okay with failures. To do so you have to have perseverance. To stay perseverant is to keep things in mind, such as failure will happen but it doesn't make you a failure. This is a marathon, not a sprint. There will be ups and downs. But don't worry, it will be worth it. One of the main reasons why people fail in businesses is because they either haven’t done enough research or they give up due to bad circumstances. (Source) I wrote a little about this in my other blog, How to Niche Down for Nerds. If you want to know more statistics and you’re interested in how to niche your business, you can check it out here.

Let’s not forget. In your quest for perseverance, know it’s okay to take a break sometimes. Even a long one! Just pick up where you left off, you’re not entitled to one vacation per year anymore. Unless you’re not able to because you really need the money - I still want you to be successful.

The final piece to perseverance is thick skin. I know I don’t have to tell you that life and people will test you sometimes. But you can do it, I believe in you!

Something else that will help is doing a deep dive into all your interests. Write on a piece of paper or start a new note on your phone and write down things you love doing. Group the similar ones. Which group is the biggest? That’s what you should do for the rest of your life. Don’t have that group? If you have some that are neck and neck, you’re meant to do them all. That’s why some people offer more than one thing. For example, a premium brand design package with 3 illustrations and a website included.

How to Overcome Frustration

Staying on the topic of being tested, and responding to frustration is key not losing your mind! To overcome frustration is to expect it and know you can't get rid of it. You’ll have to overcome it daily. I know it’s easier said than done. When you’re frustrated, it’s hard to get anything done. Sometimes, it’s best to put off whatever task you're struggling with for tomorrow if possible. I have had that problem and let me tell you, it helps so much to revisit with fresh eyes.


It also helps to have systems in place in order to avoid frustration in the first place, such as criteria when looking for ideal clients. If someone doesn't match it, don't work with them because it can lead to unfulfilled work and burnout. You should also use tools that make your job easier like Notion or Asana, a platform that keeps your documents (such as contracts) in one place so you don't have to look for everything in your email. On to the next!

Expect Help from Others

I’m sure you know this already so I’m going to keep this section short. You cannot do it alone. You free so much mental space when you relinquish control to the experts so you can work on your passion. It makes more sense and it’s good for your mental health. I know it can be hard when you don’t have a lot of money but once you can afford it, you’ll be so glad you did! One of the best investments you can make is in a business coach. Everyone who’s ever been great has a mentor or multiple ones. Michael Jordan, Venus and Serena Williams, and more. It is because natural talent isn’t enough. You need someone who knows what it takes to succeed and guide you. Other skilled people I highly recommend you hire are SEO experts, graphic designers, web designers, copywriters, and social media managers. Just to name a few! I know this can sound overwhelming and it is still possible to succeed on your own but do so when you can. With that being said, I want to talk about things to remember before and during your business.

Things to Keep in Mind

Something to keep in mind is that there will be days you won’t want to do it because it’s very hard. In those days, it’s important to remember, your why. Secondly, very important for introverts, you’ll have to communicate a lot with people. It’s up to you to reach out to clients, promote yourself, etc. All of that requires selling your offers, which means you have to network! The more communication you do with clients, the more they feel heard. You will have to do a lot of research and writing. It’s important to know your target audience well or else, it’s all wasted effort. They won’t feel like you are speaking to them. The final thing, and I hope this is the first thing to do, is not to overthink before starting. I made the mistake of trying to have a solid foundation by spending a year coding my website. I’m not a web designer but I used the resources I had from taking one college course and tutorials. It was very stressful! I didn’t have enough money to afford a subscription like Wix which is why I chose that route. However, I didn’t do enough research! I eventually found out that the hosting site I eventually went with offered a web builder option at no extra cost. At least I can say I was able to code it even though it was sooo difficult. Make sure you do your research so you can work smarter, not harder.

Affirmations for Business Success

I know it’s cheesy to include affirmations but they do work! If it’s too cringy for you, skip if you want but if not, say these phrases 5 minutes a day:

  • • It’s okay to not know everything

  • • It’s okay to not finish all my tasks today

  • • I am right where I need to be

  • • I am better than I was yesterday

  • • I don’t need to succeed after starting this business, it takes time

  • • People want to work with me

  • • I don't need to compare myself to others, we’re running our own race


So that’s that! Thanks for reaching the end of this blog. Remember that it’s hard and you’ll struggle but it doesn’t mean you’re failing. It means you’re learning. Here’s a quick recap of everything I mentioned. We talked about cutting yourself some slack since you’re starting something new and taking a break when you need to. We talked about realizing it takes at least 7 times for people to remember your offers. We talked about ignoring the lies that you’re a fraud. And we talked about being willing to accept help from others. Follow me on social media. Check out the links below as well as other blogs I wrote. Until next time! I’ve been Edyline, bye!

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FAQs about Starting a Business

What Things must be Done before Starting a Business?

In terms of mental work, find the little things that help you relax because you’re going to need it!! There are a lot of expectations you should not put on yourself. Please please let go of where you think you need to be and have fun with it. This is your passion after all! As for the physical, make sure you have the legal stuff done to protect yourself. Get that LLC in case you’re sued, so they can’t go after your personal things. (car, house, etc). Also, get contracts if you need them, a template of questions you want to ask your clients, some kind of proof that you can do what you’re offering, like a portfolio if you’re a creator and an organized system for a seamless process to provide your offers promptly. It’ll save you and your clients time. Trust me. Even if you don’t have everything on this list, you can do it. As you go, make the changes.

What are Some Things Entrepreneurs Should Know Before Starting a Startup?

Entrepreneurs should know that it will take a lot of time to be successful usually, and you don't have to know everything right away so don't worry. It takes time. I cannot stress that enough. It will take time. Another thing to note is that you will have to do the business side of things along with your passion for a while. You’ll have to be a copywriter, content creator, designer, social media manager, accountant, etc for a little while but just try your best and don’t be so hard on yourself. Your clients will still see how you can solve a problem for them even if your website isn’t perfect. So start that thing and enjoy the ride! Everyhting will fall into place!

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How to Niche Down for Nerds

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